
Michael Dunlop and Keith Robertson meeting and working with young disabled wheelchair users in Lviv outside in the Sun
Michael and Keith meeting and working with disabled young people in Dzherelo Centre, Lviv
Our manager, Keith, accompanied by his wife meeting with disabled people in Lviv, Ukraine
Keith, accompanied by his wife Jean, meeting and discussing the future with disabled people in Lviv
Disability Beyond Borders rely predominately on Donations from Members of the Public so that we can help Disabled People, Veterans of the war in Eastern Ukraine with Russia where 13,000 people have been killed, 2+million people dispossessed of their homes and many many more people with little food, blankets, roofs over their heads or quality of life. Most disabled people are in desperate need in Ukraine who we do everything in our power to help - BUT - We need your help to continue the work we already do with governments at all levels, rotary International, Disabled Peoples Organisations and Parents, relatives and many others who care about those who need our help.
We can't do this without your help. Please make a donation and make a difference to the lives of disabled people in Scotland, Ukraine and elsewhere.
We need you to help 
Our manager, Keith speaking with veterans who have been disabled fighting the war with Russia in the east of Ukraine
Disabled children around the age of 12 to 14 in Odesa all singing a song
Above, visiting with disabled children in Odesa who sang during our visit to their school.  

In the picture on the left Keith is meeting with injured veterans who have been left disabled fighting the war with Russia in eastern Ukraine.
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